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Article name | The Combating Problems to Extremism in the Internet |
Authors | Troyegubov Y.N.Postgraduate Student |
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UDK | 323.283 |
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Annotation | At the present stage of international information and communication network the Internet is actively used for hosting extremist material. The problem is global in nature and highly relevant for the Russian Federation as one of the main players on the global political process. Using the global network Internet and computer communication, the ideologists of extremist movements and groups are actively working on citizens’ consciousness and first of on youth. As a result, in recent years there has been an aggravation of the problem of extremism, which currently can be seen as a problem of national importance and a threat to national security of Russia. In 2013–2014 years a number of heads of law enforcement bodies, executive and legislative authorities of the Russian Federation, including the President Putin noted the necessity of toughening of the current legislation and measures of a repressive nature for persons committing offences using the Internet, as well as creation of well-developed, adequate system of prevention of this type offences. National security in the sphere of information technologies, improvement of the legal framework and the development of new technical means to combat the spread of extremist ideas in the information space of Russia are the one of the priority tasks, both for public authorities and law enforcement agencies. |
Key words | combating extremism, the Internet, information space, security, extremism, terrorism |
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Full article | The Combating Problems to Extremism in the Internet |