Article name Eschatological Traditions in the Modern Russian Prose
Authors Akhmetova G.D.Doctor of Philology, Professor
Bibliographic description
UDK 882
Article type
Annotation The problem of eschatological traditions in the modern Russian prose is revealed in the article. The eschatological subject is connected with a problem of Thanatos. The research is done within the text stylistics that caused scientific novelty, though as a whole this work is not linguistic, but philological. Such approach allows to analyze individual style of the writer. The author analyzes in detail S. Yesin’s novel the “Observer” written in 1989. Thus, the lines of traditions, directed not only during former literary eras (M. Yu. Lermontov, A. P. Chekhov, etc.), but also during an era of the beginning of the XXI century (Z. Prilepin) are outlined. The detailed analysis of the language processes which have found reflection in the novel is given in article. The researcher comes to a conclusion that language processes represent development of language traditions. In spiritual space of the text there is their interaction with each other. Eschatological traditions in the Russian prose are carried on.
Key words eschatology, traditions, language processes, novel “Observer”, individual style
Article information
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Full articleEschatological Traditions in the Modern Russian Prose