Article name Film Text in the Field of Related Concepts
Authors Nelyubina Y.A.Teacher
Bibliographic description
UDK 801.73
Article type
Annotation Active interest to cinema works in psychology, philosophy, sociology and linguistics led to various scientific interpretations of the concept “film discourse” and a number of adjacent concepts. In this article the review of modern approaches to linguistic treatment of a film discourse and the film text is offered, the analysis of the content of the related concepts “film dialogue” and “film image” is made. The author claims that the majority of researchers is considered the film text and film discourse as a part and whole, thus for linguists the most significant concept is the film text as in it all levels of the analysis of film work meet. The film text represents difficult interaction of verbal and nonverbal components and will be organized according to a plan of the collective author. As kinds of the film text it is possible to consider genres of film story, film novel, film short story. As a rule there are the idealized images expressing social-group values, belief and interests behind film characters, which are revealed in film dialogues. The film dialogues acting in the way of verbalization in the film text of images of professionals are of special interest for a researcher: not only special terms, professionalisms and professional jargons are used in them, but also the common lexicon in a special way selected and marked.
Key words film text, film discourse, film dialogue, film image
Article information
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Full articleFilm Text in the Field of Related Concepts