Article name Zoomorphic Comparisons in the Works by T. Kasymbekov “Syngan Kilich” (“Broken Sword”)
Authors Akmatova A.B.Postgraduate Student
Bibliographic description Akmatova A. B. Zoomorphic Comparisons in the Works by T. Kasymbekov “Syngan Kilich” (“Broken Sword”) // Humanitarian Vector. 2019. Vol. 14, No.1. PP. 81–85. DOI: 10.21209/1996-7853-2019-14-1-81-85.
DOI 10.21209/1996-7853-2019-14-1-81-85
UDK 811.512.154
Article type
Annotation This article provides a linguistic analysis of zoomorphic comparisons of the Kyrgyz language on the example of the novel by T. Kasymbekov “Syngan kylych” (“Broken Sword”). Zoomorphic comparisons are the result of assimilation of man, objects, phenomena of nature with animals. The comparison is constructed according to the scheme using four elements: 1) similar things; 2) alike things; 3) similar marks; 4) additional means for similarity (affixes: -дай, -ча, additional words сыяктуу, сыўары, окшош, түстүү, бетер, куду, өўдүү). These four elements are the foundation of comparison. Figurative comparison determines the coincidence of a specific speech object with an abstract concept. The article discusses examples in the following values: канаты сынып бийиктен түшкөн бүркүт сыяктуу – абдан алсыз powerless (very impotent); кара жырткыч куш сымал – абдан ачууланып (very angry); ыркырап турган илбирс өўдөнүп – абдан каарданып (very livid); туурдагы куштан бетер – куштун отурганына окшош (looks like a bird that sits); катырган балыктай – абдан арыктап кеткен (very thin). From these examples it is clear that comparisons are created according to personal experience, as well as in accordance with the general knowledge of the language community. The stability of zoomorphic values comes to the forefront of the description, that is, zoomorphic comparisons should be distinguished into separate subspecies: idioms and author comparisons. The main criterion for distinguishing the author’s comparison from phraseological comparisons is due to the wide use of the latter in the speech of different people. The occasional (or author’s) comparison does not have a stable structure and is accompanied by a connotative meaning. Objects of speech create them according to their own experience. These concepts are associated with national artistic values adopted in society, as well as correspond to the established system of stereotypes.
Key words zoomorphism, imagery, artistic, autorˈs comparisons, connotative meaning
Article information
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Full articleZoomorphic Comparisons in the Works by T. Kasymbekov “Syngan Kilich” (“Broken Sword”)