Article name The Status of Woman in the Mongolian Society (the Soviet period)
Authors Tsypilova , ; S.S.Candidate of History
Bibliographic description
UDK 94(5)
Article type
Annotation On the basis of the study of legislative documents and historical literature, the articleinvestigates the situation of women in the Mongolian Soviet society. The author concluded that a number of actions undertaken by the State in the social, educational spheres had a positive effect on the position of Mongolian women. Huge work to eliminate illiteracy among the female population was done. The increase of the education level contributed to the participation of women in the professional labor activity. Mongolian women made significant gains in social production. In the Mongolian socialist society, women became economically active, full members of social relations, participating in public management. Economic independence allowed women to gain greater freedom in the family.
Key words Mongolian People’s Republic, Mongolian woman, education and health, labor activity, Soviet society
Article information
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Full articleThe Status of Woman in the Mongolian Society (the Soviet period)