Article name “The Turgenev’s” in Historical-Literary Context of I. A. Bunin’s Story Ida
Authors Ayupov S.M.Doctor of Philology, Associate Professor а
Harisova T.E.Teacher
Bibliographic description
UDK 882–1
Article type
Annotation The article is dedicated to the analysis of the image of “the inexpressible” in I. A. Bunin’s story Ida; it is the first time that the coupling of “The Turgenev’s” and M. V. Lomonosov’s literary-esthetic view is being considered. This coupling has influenced the choice of the main heroine’s name and the “festive conception” of her image. The melodic keynote providing this love story gives a common ground to Ida composition with the one of A Nest of Gentlefolk novel and additionally, with the ode genre, giving a heroic shade to Bunin’s image of “inexpressible”. In particular, acoustic echoes of the heroine’s name can be traced through the whole narration. We prove the significance of intertextual links with works of S. A. Yesenin, A. A. Blok, N. V. Gogol in creation of the “beautified” poetics and the exalted atmosphere of “inexpressible”, combining tender-lyrical and menacing-victorious intonations. The discovered historical implication allows us to claim that the “inexpressible” in love is life’s ideal, which presence in life’s wordless moments gives it the highest permanent sense and optimistic phonation, which stands against Turgenev’s conception of inexpressible.
Key words Turgenev’s tradition, A Nest of Gentlefolk, ode, The Song of Triumphant Love, motif, intertextual links
Article information
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