Article name Neogothic Plots in Modern Culture
Authors Bagauv Y.D.Postgraduate Student
Bibliographic description
UDK 82–31
Article type
Annotation The article describes the Gothic plot in modern literature. The basis is the story of the Gothic novel, which later becomes the basis for works in neogothic genre. In modern neogothic literature under the influence of cultural practices the philosophy of postmodernism: hybridization, montage, intertextuality, allusion, the plot has changes. The plot of such works in literature includes both traditional elements used in the classical gothic novel and the elements of the new works in literature which formed a new neogothic space. This transformation of a literature work involves interpretation of the storyline. Every author adds new components in the plot and builds a new novel shame of events that makes gothic genre is different from other.
Key words gothic novel, modern fiction, neogothic, postmodernism, intertextuality
Article information
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