Article name Research of Business Language in Transbaikalia-Manchuria
Authors Zhang Lei, ..Teacher, Associate Professor
Bibliographic description
UDK 81
Article type
Annotation This article focuses on the characteristics of business communication language on the border between Transbaikalia and Manchuria. Active frontier trade has become the main factor to influence the language since 1993. Businessmen who participated in the business communication experienced the importance of the communicational language. Qualified interpreters did not have the opportunity to study the market system. Therefore, local residents from Transbaikalia and Manchuria had to communicate directly during the exchanges. That gave rise to dialectal and informal words. In general, vocabulary system appeared to present simplified language forms and inaccurate morphology. There were also significant changes in phonetics. Russian was the main language of communication, Chinese was used rarely. At the same time, some of the Chinese words were borrowed into Russian. The research on vocabulary, grammar and phonetics of the border area clearly shows that Transbaikalia - Manchuria business language has been formed and developed in real trade communication.
Key words cooperation, language, border area, Transbaikalia, Manchuria, trade
Article information
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Full articleResearch of Business Language in Transbaikalia-Manchuria