Article name Research of Familistic Characteristics of Zabaikalsky Krai Student Youth
Authors Klimenko T.K.Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor
Syomina M.V.Candidate of pedagogical sciences
Bibliographic description
UDK 378+316
Article type
Annotation The youth perception of marriage and family, modeling of their own marriage and family strategy are important components of modern juventological research. The authors’ position is based on the fact that the youth as the most dynamic and perspective social group define a problem situation connected with instability of socialized norms of marriage and family behavior and risks of their translation to the future generation. Substantive orientation of the empirical research,which results are presented by the authors in this work, consists in identification of the regional youth representations about a family as a social institute and a small social group and research of the specific character of the youth gender relations. The generalized portrait of familistic characteristics of Zabaykalsky krai student youth participating in the research is given in the article. The authors formulate a number of ambivalent familistic tendencies in youth perception of marriage and family norms and comment on them in the context of system and synergetic views on the social phenomena and processes.
Key words institution of family, youth, gender relations, marriage marital status, familistic characteristics
Article information
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