Article name The Role of a Family Image in Information Space as a Basis of Youth Identification
Authors Soldatova E.L.Doctor of Psychology, Professor
Bibliographic description
UDK 159.9
Article type
Annotation In the article we observe the idea of age as the standard phenomenon presented in public consciousness, reflecting age problems of development of the personality in the adult period. The image of age as a specific feature set and values is supported by carriers of a certain age subculture and is broadcast as an ideal or a stereotype to representatives of other age. Entering the following age stage, the person opens an ideal form of the development, including culturally set problems of the following age. The most general fundamentals of an adult age criteria are revealed: 1) activity, innovation and 2) wisdom, experience. Gender features and specifics of the age problems maintenance of each adult development stage are investigated. The significance of family values in the structure of an age image is defined. The formation bases of a positive image of a family are specified by mass media.
Key words image of a family, age expectations, cultural age image, age problems of the personality development, identification
Article information
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