Article name Socio-Philosophical Approaches and their Use in the “Criminal Geography”
Authors Martynov V.L.Doctor of Geography, Professor
Sazonova I.Е.Candidate of Geography, Associate Professor
Bibliographic description Martynov V. L., Sazonova I. Ye. Socio-Philosophical Approaches and their Use in the “Criminal Geography” // Humanitarian Vector. 2019. Vol. 14, No. 2. PP. 134–143. DOI: 10.21209/1996-7853-2019-14-2-134-143.
DOI 10.21209/1996-7853-2019-14-2-134-143
UDK 17.021.3; 911.9
Article type
Annotation Social philosophy and socio-economic geography have a lot in common. However, social philosophy uses mainly temporal approaches to the research and socio-economic geography – spatial ones. One of the areas of socio-geographical research where socio-philosophical approaches can be very useful is “criminal geography”. In post-Soviet Russia, organized criminal groups with “geographical” names originating mainly from the so-called “industrial villages” became more famous. These criminal groups include “gang” crime, for which economic activity was crucial. In Soviet times, a “thief” crime was formed which had an “international” character. “Thieves” created a “parallel society” based on the denial of the values inherent in most of the society. “Thief” crime is most widespread in poor regions with a large number of correctional facilities. Street crime which is characteristic of poor regions and poor areas of large cities also has a social character. Political crime is a criminal offense hiding behind beautiful slogans (political, religious, national). However, the main reason for political crime is the struggle for natural resources. In the prevention and control of crime, one should take into account the spatial characteristics and history of the formation of criminal communities within a certain territory.
Key words social philosophy, socio-economic geography, “criminal geography”, criminal communities, street crime, political crime, regional differences
Article information
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Full articleSocio-Philosophical Approaches and their Use in the “Criminal Geography”