Article name Educational Technologies as a Factor of the Development of Students’ Intellectual Giftedness
Authors Mironova A.M.Post graduate Student
Bibliographic description
UDK 317.212.3
Article type
Annotation The article deals with the modern educational technologies to stimulate the development of students’ intellectual giftedness. It emphasizes that these issues were not sufficiently reflected in scientific literature and teaching practice that actualizes their consideration. The author analyzes the different points of view on the definition of “educational technology”, describes its criteria, and substantiates necessary conditions of pedagogical staff’s activity aimed at modeling of the learning process to develop the mechanisms of intellectual activity. Factors contributing to the formation of intellectual qualities are determined in each of the considered technologies. These qualities characterize various aspects of child’s intelligence. The author focuses on the intellectual capabilities which appear in the strategy, which child produces to solve the problem situations and problems of various types.
Key words intellectual giftedness, educational technologies, intellectual qualities
Article information
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Full articleEducational Technologies as a Factor of the Development of Students’ Intellectual Giftedness