Article name Axiological Aspect of Military Service in Modern Conditions
Authors Suslin R.A.Postgraduate Student
Bibliographic description
UDK 355.233.231
Article type
Annotation This article analyzes the current state of the axiological aspects of life of a soldier. It is based on the behavioristic approach to the formation of value ideology of a serviceman. Based on the analysis of value systems of the Russian society the type of value system which is most suitable for military service in modern conditions is formulated, revealed, and justified. Value priorities in the education of servicemen are defined. Elements of the environment in which the value orientations of servicemen are formed, are identified. Their effects on the mind of a soldier are described. Contradictions between the influence of the military environment and the environment in which a soldier spends his spare time are revealed. The problem is formulated. Based on the principle of “parallel pedagogical action » by A. S. Makarenko the author suggests ways of its solution. Conclusion about the necessity of forming of leading role of the military environment in the minds of servicemen is formulated.
Key words formation of values, behavioristic approach, military environment, living environment, values, moral qualities, axiological approach
Article information
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