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Article name | Peculiarities of People’s Emotional Sphere in the Condition of Imprisonment as the Indicators of Their Psychological Adaptation |
Authors | Gvozdev V.A.Postgraduate Student |
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UDK | 159.9 |
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Annotation | The purpose of the article is to present the results of empirical research of indicators of psychological adaptation of people in specifically complicated conditions of living environment. The basic complicating factor is imprisonment. According to the research hypothesis it reduces psychological adaptation of convicted persons. System approach is realized in the research. Psychological adaptation is considered as a systemic feature of system “person – living environment”. Its structure consists of psycho-physiological, mental, sociopsychological levels. Features of psycho-physiological level of psychological adaptation of convicted persons are discussed in the article. Emotional characteristics of psyche detected in diagnosis of personality accentuations are indicators of psycho-physiological level of psychological adaptation. On the results of the research, the reduction of psychological adaptation of convicted persons on psycho-physiological level was discovered. Attenuation is an emergence of imbalance in emotional sphere. |
Key words | living environment, imprisonment, psychological adaptation, system approach, emotional imbalance |
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Full article | Peculiarities of People’s Emotional Sphere in the Condition of Imprisonment as the Indicators of Their Psychological Adaptation |