Article name Influence of Students’ Intelligence and Psychological Defenses on the Profession Choosing
Authors Kulganov V.A.Doctor of Medicine , Professor
Mityaeva L.B.Education Psychologists
Bibliographic description
UDK 159.9
Article type
Annotation The article discusses the professional interests of the high school students with their intellectual level and personal features, as well as the dynamics of their professional choice when moving from one level of education to another (from school to university). The article considers the results of psychognostic work with students aimed to assess their level of intellectual development, mechanisms of psychological defence, indicators of extra-introversion, neuroticism, psychotism and a number of professional orientation data stats. The paper includes results of correlation analysis between the scales, and speaks of the need for deeper vocational guidance work with senior class students. According to the results of comprehensive career guidance diagnostics, teenagers will be able to learn more extended information about their defence mechanisms, the level of verbal and non-verbal intelligence, some personality features, professional interests, opportunities, which will provide them a more accurate understanding of their professional inclinations. The article also considers the dynamics of change in professional choice of universities first-year students who were able to pass the professional diagnostics in school and analyze the changes in their views in school and in the early stages of learning at another stage of education.
Key words professional choice, intelligence, psychological protection, extra-introversion, neuroticism, psychotism
Article information
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Full articleInfluence of Students’ Intelligence and Psychological Defenses on the Profession Choosing