Article name Social Institute as a Media Projection
Authors Sidorov V.A.Doctor of Philosophy, Professor
Bibliographic description
UDK 316.334
Article type
Annotation Bipolarity is a feature of the social institutes of religion and the information relations. Their bipolarity is evident in the media sphere where interpretation streams are formed. In network space signs of authenticity are the characteristics of media projections of society institutes, including religion and church. The following questions are set: how to interpret the projected in media facts of social opposition concerning expansion of social influence of church: they either refute or approve the theory of post-secular society. The paper is based on outcomes of media discourse value analysis concerning the event of Pussy Riot (21.02.2012) – a nonconformist punk public prayer of a girl group in Moscow Cathedral of Christ the Savior. The values, found within the coverage of mass media, were researched through three measurements – political, religious and cultural. Authors of the research proceeded from inadmissibility of ignoring of publication context – religion and church questions. However, the practice of mass media showed that answers were generally out of the religious frames. As a result, the media projection of the church institute was inadequate to real functioning of this society institute. Media projections don’t substitute really working social institutes, but potentially influence on the people’s relations because today projections of person’s spirituality, self-identifications of societies have media character, they are placed in the media sphere. The factors which can become decisive in definition of the future shape include mass media which convey the social meanings. Now the institute of mass media is an organic part of the spiritual sphere of society, its culture, it is the active subject of society, and it structures cultural space in the concepts of media reality which other social institutes don’t take into account.
Key words social institutes, media sphere, journalism, media projections, value analysis
Article information
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