Article name Resource Abundance and Distinctive Features of the Russian Modernization
Authors Trubitsyn, D.V.Candidate of Philosophy, Associate Professor
Bibliographic description
UDK 332
Article type
Annotation The paper represents the results of the modernization research conducted on three levels: philosophical, theoretical and empirical. Methods of comparative and theoretical history and historical macro-sociology are used: factor analysis of historical dynamics, evaluation and scaling, construction of trend-structures and transition models. Through the comparative analysis of the historical dynamic of Western European, Asian and North African countries, according to their resource supply, an attempt is made to interpret the problem of modernization. The conducted research allows claiming that intensification, as the main tendency and indicator of modernization process, sets in as a result of the lack of potentials for an extensive economic strategy. Comparing the data about population size, availability and condition of land resources, hydrocarbon reserves and their significance for economy, as well as the results of the socio-economic development in these countries, the author comes to the conclusion that resource constraints are necessary factor for modernization. Their absence drives a society toward “torpid modernization”, the characteristics are slowdown of the transformation of social structure, a persistent technology gap behind developed countries, recurring failure and backtracking to the traditional system of relations. A similar study regarding influence of hydrocarbon supply on modernization, as well as the analysis of the historical dynamic of Russia, allowed to describe the mechanisms that hamper modernization processes in resource-rich countries, and finally to build up a trend structure that explains the stagnancy of the Russian economic system and the mobility of economic systems of primary centers of industrial society (Western Europe, Japan).
Key words traditional agrarian economy, land resources, agrarian constraint, hydrocarbons, socio-economic development, modernization, intensification
Article information
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