Article name Online Pedagogical Interaction in the System of Teachers’ Qualification Improvement in the Irkutsk Region
Authors Sanzhieva Y.B.Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor
Shirokova I.E.Assistant Professor
Bibliographic description
UDK 378.046.4
Article type
Annotation The paper discusses the features of the organization of teachers’ online interaction in the system of their qualification improvement. The authors justify the need to include the Institute of Educators’ Qualification Improvement in the process of online pedagogical interaction. Pedagogical community is defined as a formal or an informal group of professionals who unite to mutually work together in a single information space, aimed at personal professional growth and improvement of the educational process. The paper analyzes the experience of the professional community of teachers in the Irkutsk region, identifies the factors influencing the interaction between educational institutions in the region, shows the efficiency of using an educational site as a primary means of online networking in the system of teachers’ professional development and considers the positive effects of the inclusion of an additional vocational training institution in the online pedagogical network.
Key words improvement of qualification, continuing professional education, online interaction
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Full articleOnline Pedagogical Interaction in the System of Teachers’ Qualification Improvement in the Irkutsk Region