Article name To the Studies of Daurs’ Family and Marriage
Authors Tsybenov B.D.Candidate of History
Bibliographic description
UDK 392.3 (512.3)
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Annotation The article is the first Russian research in the history of family and marriage relations of Daurs. For the first time in the article such questions as a family form and structure, terminology of relationship, marriage forms, wedding ceremonies based on the Russian and foreign sources, ethnographic materials of the author are discussed. The analysis of the documents leads to the conclusion that at that time (XIX – the middle of the XX century) Daurs had the patriarchal family consisting of several generations and some married couples. Traditions of the patriarchal family with a principle of patrilineal exogamy created huge impact on marriage norms and wedding ceremonialism. For the first time relationship terms of Daurs, types of cross-cousin marriages, which are going back to early forms of marriage of the peoples from Siberia and the Far East are revealed.
Key words Daurs, patriarchal family, terminology of relationship, monogamy, exogamy, marriage on courtship, wedding ceremonies
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Full articleTo the Studies of Daurs’ Family and Marriage