Article name City Management in Persons. Social Portrait of Employees of Urban Management in Verkhneudinsk in 1922
Authors Krasovskaya A.A.Postgraduate Student
Bibliographic description Krasovskaya A. A. City Management in Persons. Social Portrait of Employees of Urban Management in Verkhneudinsk in 1922 // Humanitarian Vector. 2019. Vol. 14, No. 3. PP. 24–31. DOI: 10.21209/1996-7853-2019-14-3-24-31.
DOI 10.21209/1996-7853-2019-14-3-24-31
UDK 947.084.5(571.54)
Article type
Annotation The article considers personal characteristics of each member of the city management in the city of Verkhneudinsk, as in most cases it is the human factor that specifies the vector of political, social and economic component of the life of the city. On the basis of published and unpublished historical sources, extensive material was analyzed, using the example of Verkhneudinsk to reveal the characteristic features and main problems of the formation of the staff of the city government on the outskirts of the country in an emergency situation. The authors made an attempt to make a compilation of social portrait of the average municipal employee. Assessment is made for the following criteria: sex, age, education, professional experience, political views. The authors conclude that the activities of the Verkhneudinsk city government can be considered satisfactory, the personnel did not have enough experience or training to govern the city.
Key words the Far Eastern Republic, Verkhneudinsk, city government, Soviet government, personnel
Article information
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Full articleCity Management in Persons. Social Portrait of Employees of Urban Management in Verkhneudinsk in 1922