Article name Where to Shift the Humanities Vector?
Authors Kutyrev V.A.Doctor of Philosophy, Professor
Bibliographic description
UDK 111
Article type
Annotation The crisis of humanism has entered the anthropological stage of human denial, his bodily-mental identity negation. Transhumanism has emerged. It is neither a phase nor a shift of the humanitarian paradigm but a direct challenge to human identity, denial of humanism. The denial of the humanitarian paradigm and its replacement with the transhumanitarian one is part of the ideology of postmodernism. The paper attempts to analyze the intermediate “projective” modification of the humanitarian paradigm. The essence of this modification consists in the substitution of humans by «transhumans». On the way of humanity to the flourishing and self-denial there are 5 stages, 5 “de”: demythologization, detheization, deanthropomorphization, desubjectivization and, finally, deanthropologization. This sequence expresses the sublimation vector of man’s sensory-direct attitude to the world into human-mediated information, the exclusion of the material by the virtual, of being by consciousness. Now the philosophy of human preservation is phenomenological realism as an expression of a conservative vector of philosophizing.
Key words humanism, transhumanism, arheoavangardism, acmeology, estology, conservative-phenomenological turn
Article information
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Full articleWhere to Shift the Humanities Vector?