Article name Integrative Image of Law in the Slavophil Conception of Life Knowledge
Authors Rozhkova N.A.Candidate of Political Sciences, Associate Professor
Dneprovskaya I.V.Doctor of Philosophy, Associate Professor
Bibliographic description
UDK 11/13
Article type
Annotation The article examines the philosophical and legal views of the Slavophiles. The subject of analysis is the methodology of law knowledge, developed by these thinkers within the concept of “life knowledge”. The purpose of the article is to show integrative possibilities of the Slavophile approach to the study of social phenomena, in particular, the Law. The analysis of the Slavophiles’ understanding of the law is carried out in relation to the concept of “truth.” It is proved that Slavophiles viewed the law not as an external side of the truth, but an active aspect of the truth, and justice was interpreted not as a requital but as the restoration of the truth. The authors show that a holistic understanding of the Slavophiles process of knowledge in unity with the subject and the object of knowledge created the prerequisites for the detection, description and study of the law as a complex social phenomenon, irreducible to the establishment of the state, the abstract idea of justice or the interaction of subjects.
Key words Slavophiles, law and morality, law-understanding, truth, justice, belief
Article information
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