Article name Post-Civil Public Sphere: Concept and Prospects of Formation
Authors Reznik Y.M.Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Chief Researcher of the Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences
Bibliographic description
UDK 101.1:316
Article type
Annotation Based on the analysis of the existing approaches, the author offers his own understanding of citizenship grounded in transpersonal theory. In this regard, in order to define the subject under study the author introduces and explains such concepts as “postcivil public sphere”, “transpersonality”, “discursiveness”, “trans-existence” and some others. The author’s main idea is to consider the civil society not as an expanded public sphere, growing from the depths of the life world, but as a symbolic reality constructed by means of the public discourse on the basis of transpersonal activity of individuals that is characterized in terms of “being-in-between”, “co-presence” and “co-involvement”.
Key words civil society, life world, system world, public sphere, universalism, paradigm of existence, becoming, generic development, generic human being, freedom, selforganization, rationality, «global civil status», global civil society, citizen of the world, life politics, post-civil public sphere, transpersonality, discursiveness, identity
Article information
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Full articlePost-Civil Public Sphere: Concept and Prospects of Formation