Article name The Nature of Science and the Criteria of Scientificity
Authors Chernikova I.V.Doctor of Philosophy, Professor
Bibliographic description
UDK 167
Article type
Annotation The paper focuses on the transformations of contemporary scientificity. It characterizes the patterns of science – objectivistic and culturological that are revealed by means of philosophic reflection on scientific cognition. The paper presents a comparative analysis of scientificity criteria formulated in positivist and postpositivist philosophy of science. It analyzes the changes of scientific cognition nature reflected in nonclassical epistemology and cognitive science. Contemporary science fosters the idea of principal multiplicity of descriptions and explanations. However, it maintains the requirement of the systemic coherence of knowledge, clarity and methodological transparency of the initial principles and prerequisites, the sequence and argumentativeness of scientific discourse.
Key words science, epistemology, philosophy of science, objectivity, truth, relativisation, humanization, criteria of scientificity, patterns of science
Article information
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