Article name Value Preferences of Today’s Youth in Russia and Germany
Authors Sokolova E.V.Lesosibirsk, Russia
Lobanova O.B.Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor
Bibliographic description
UDK 316
Article type
Annotation This article analyzes the value preferences of today’s younger generation. It compares the specificity of value consciousness of today’s youth based on the results of the study conducted by the authors among the Russian youth and the results of the sociological study of value priorities among young people in Germany conducted by German sociologists. The article attempts a comparative analysis of the respondents’ attitude to work, family and marriage. The findings suggest that despite the appearance of new values associated with a focus on material well-being in the mass consciousness of today’s youth, representatives of both Russian and German young people continue to be committed to many traditional values, including family that continues to remain an important institution of socialization. All this is reflected in the specifics of their value preferences.
Key words modern youth, value orientations, values, work, family, family values
Article information
References 1. Petriwev V. I. Osobennosti semejnoj socializacii podrastajuwih pokolenij v Velikobritanii, SShA i Novoj Zelandii na rubezhe XXI veka: monografija. SPb.: Renome, 2009. 256 s. 2. Lisauskene M. V. Pokolenie next – pragmatichnye perfekcionisty ili romantiki potreblenija // Sociologicheskie issledovanija. 2006. №4. S. 111–116.
Full articleValue Preferences of Today’s Youth in Russia and Germany