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Article name | Apology: Speech Genre Tactics and their Means of Language Implementation |
Authors | Rabenko T.G.Candidate of Philology |
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Annotation | The article is written in the course of an urgent genre school due to anthropocentricity of modern linguistic science. The genre etiquette apology declared in the capacity of a study object appears as a special model of the speech utterance, structured with defined genre-forming attribute complex. There is a communicative genre purpose and verbal tactics realizing it. This article summarizes the data of previous research examination in this field, and extends several existing ideas about the main speech-behavioral tactics of designated genre which are used being combined to achieve strategic perlocutionary effect. The linguistic (lexical, grammar) revealed means of identified tactics are shown in this paper. It turns out that communicative apology intentions are reflected in the language and fixed as communication patterns, which vary depending on the nature of relationship between communicants, actual seriousness, underlying the basis of apology situation, etc. Non-verbal (gestural, mimic) apology embodiment means are also discussed in the article. Apology is a certain script, which is fixed as a standard verbal tactics set and their linguistic implementing resources, is considered as a fundamental conclusion of the paper. |
Key words | speech etiquette, speech genre, apology, speech tactics, stereotyped statement |
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Full article | Apology: Speech Genre Tactics and their Means of Language Implementation |