Article name Evolutionary Semiotic Ranges of Cultural Phenomena and their Reflection in Transbaikal Regiolect of the 18th Century
Authors Mayorov A.P.Doctor of Philology, professor
Bibliographic description
UDK 81.161.1’22
Article type
Annotation The use of semiotic principles permitting to regard historical evolution of cultural phenomena in their correlation with linguistic facts, which reflect this evolution, is of current importance in contemporary linguistics. Regular phenomena of substitution of one subject by another with the similar function are touched upon. Such substitution is manifested by linguistic units and appears to be a fact of cultural continuity. This regularity in linguistic culturology got the name “evolutionary semiotic range”. Facts from the material and spiritual culture of Transbaikal of the 18th century, which are interpreted as evolutionary semiotic ranges, are represented in the article. Examples of evolutionary semiotic ranges in technologies, cattle-breeding, social organization of the 18th century were analysed. The results of the investigation may be used in the field of historical aspects of ethnolinguistics, linguistic culturology, cognitive linguistics, sociolinguistics, theory of verbal communication.
Key words evolutionary semiotic range, Transbaikal regiolect of the 18th century
Article information
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Full articleEvolutionary Semiotic Ranges of Cultural Phenomena and their Reflection in Transbaikal Regiolect of the 18th Century