Article name Cultural Tourism in Transbaikal Territory as a Factor of Tourist Destination Development
Authors Likhanova V.V.Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor vika_likhanova@;
Lyakh O.A.Senior Lecturer
Bibliographic description Likhanova V. V., Lyakh O. A. Cultural Tourism in Transbaikal Territory as a Factor of Tourist Destination Development // Humanitarian Vector. 2019. Vol. 14, No. 4. PP. 133–142. DOI: 10.21209/1996-7853-2019-14-4-133-142.
DOI 10.21209/1996-7853-2019-14-4-133-142
UDK 338.48 (571.53/55)
Article type
Annotation Currently, tourism is one of the most interesting forms of human leisure, which contributes to the expansion of general knowledge and, in particular, the cultural erudition of man. Every year a huge number of tourists travel around the country and abroad, as a result they get acquainted with traditions and customs, lifestyle, cultural heritage and current culture of peoples inhabiting the territory they are travelling through. Modern researchers talk about the leading role of the cultural component in the structure of tourism, which indicates the huge potential of tourism in both the cultural and social sphere of society. The main task of this article is to identify the potential of cultural tourism in the Transbaikal territory as a resource for the development of a tourist destination. The study was conducted by analyzing the literature of scientific, statistic, information and legislative nature. The authors analyzed the concept of cultural tourism and highlighted its varieties, analyzed the tourism potential of cultural tourism in the region and identified the main objects of such types of cultural tourism as historical, religious, event, archaeological, ethnographic, gastronomic, military and agricultural, as well as the possibility of organizing and developing cultural tourism in the Transbaikal territory in the socio-cultural, economic, organizational and managing aspects.
Key words cultural heritage, cultural tourism, tourist product, tourist destination, Transbaikal territory, competitiveness
Article information
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Full articleCultural Tourism in Transbaikal Territory as a Factor of Tourist Destination Development