The priority genres of the journal are research articles, scientific communication, and scientific reviews.

The rubric structure of the journal has an ideological-conceptual basis, focused on the issues of axiology, cultural code and humanitarian technologies of society. Profile rubrics of the journal initiate these discussions, both within the theory and practice of a particular branch of scientific knowledge (philosophy, history and archeology, philology, oriental studies) and in terms of interdisciplinary approach:

  • Axiology of culture. Philosophy of Culture. Culture and society. Mental and socio-cultural space of the region. Humanistic trends in the development of society. Semantics of cultural landscape.
  • Linguistic and conceptual picture of the world. Poetics and history of text. Playing in beads: hidden meanings of text. Axiology of mass media. Cultural universals in Russian literature and media.
  • Archaeography: cultural heritage. History: meanings and values. History of religion. Events and Destinies (History of Everyday Life). Transboundary in historical development. Baikal region in humanitarian and geopolitical dimensions. Archaeology: sources of culture. Cultural Codes of Asia. The Culture of Ancient Cities.Cultural history.
  • The rubric “Standpoint” works in a genre of scientific commentary, which allows to designate an original view of a well-known researcher on ambiguous issues of modern science.
  • The final rubric in the journal is “People. Events. Time” is devoted to the biographies of famous scientists and the results of scientific conferences. A ringing string: the soul of a scientist (poetry rubric in memory of a handling editor Galiya Dufarovna Akhmetova).

In details Editorial Policy