Article name Information Paradoxes of the First American War (1775–1783)
Authors Ovcharenko E.F. Candidate of Philology,
Bibliographic description Ovcharenko E. F. Information Paradoxes of The First American War (1775–1783) // Humanitarian Vector. 2023. Vol. 18, no. 4. P. 63–73. DOI: 10.21209/1996-7853-2023-18-4-63-73.
Section War in the history of mankind: events and destinies
UDK 070
DOI 10.21209/1996-7853-2023-18-4-63-73
Article type Original article
Annotation Canadian historians often name well-known American War of Independence (1775–1783) as the First American War, because military activities in Canada waged not Canadians, but English and American armies. It was the result of “information mistakes” of American insurgents. However, its gave the paradoxical desire of Canadian Catholics to remain subjects of ardent protestant George III and the foundation of the “Montreal Gazette” (1778) by Fleury Mesplet, the representant of American Continental Congress. Relevance of this historical event research consists in its lessons for the present time. There aren’t special researches on the First American War “information campaign”, however some documental sources were published in Canada. So, we used the content-analysis of these materials as the main method of research. The aim of our study is analyzing American “information campaign” failure in Canada. The hypothesis of research: successful information support of military activities in elsewhere territory is not possible without taking into consideration its regional especial features. The key aspect of the present research problem: if population of seizing territory has another language, faith, cultural and historical values, social and economic structure, the foreign invasion must aspire to constructive “information dialogue”. The results of this study include generalization of the “information events” of the First American War. In discussion, we note changed interpretation of the war not only by Canadians but also by some American leaders: from positive to negative perception. The present article is the first Russian experience of the First American War “information content” study, that gives the wide perspectives for its further research.
Key words the First American War, Canada, information war accompaniment, double-faced standards of information, regional factor
Article information
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Full articleInformation Paradoxes of the First American War (1775–1783)