Article name A Review of the Collection of Articles “The Revolution of 1917 in Russia: New Approaches and Views”
Authors Zakharov A.M.Candidate of History, Assocoate Professor
Bibliographic description Zakharov A. M. A Review of the Collection of Articles “The Revolution of 1917 in Russia: New Approaches and Views”// Humanitarian Vector. Series History. Political Science. 2016. Vol. 11, No 4. P. 184–189.
UDK 94 (47).084
Article type
Annotation The article reviewed the texts of 24 presentations held in November 2014 in the 8th annual conference “The Revolution of 1917 in Russia: new approaches and perspectives” in Herzen State Pedagogical University. Versatile topics and discussion on the content of these reports are a new take on traditionally vital topic for the country’s history ‒ the revolutionary events of 1917 in their various aspects: the actual political, party, national, cultural and educational. Stable interest of the scientific community to the conference organized by the Department of Russian history of Herzen Pedagogical University called by the breadth of the issues involved, and multidimensionality and multiparadigmality of approaches, by the introduction of new historical sources. A high level of articles presented and culture controversy must be marked. The main results of the conference, as reflected in peer-reviewed articles that can be used in the development of common courses in Russian history of the twentieth century, and in-depth research on similar topics.
Key words Revolution of 1917; Russian historical science; Andrey B. Nikolaev; Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia
Article information
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Full articleA Review of the Collection of Articles “The Revolution of 1917 in Russia: New Approaches and Views”