Article name Problem of Semantic Reconstruction of “Lekton” Category in the Early Stoics’ Philosophy
Authors Sergeev D.V.Doctor of Philosophy, Associate Professor
Bibliographic description Sergeev D. V. Problem of Semantic Reconstruction of “Lekton” Category in the Early Stoics’ Philosophy // Humanitarian Vector. 2018. Vol. 13, No. 3. PP. 119–123. DOI: 10/21209/1996-7853-2018-13-3-119-123
DOI 10/21209/1996-7853-2018-13-3-119-123
UDK 122
Article type
Annotation The article deals with the problem of semantic reconstruction of the notion “lekton” in early stoics’ doxographical works. The author argues that the meaning of this notion is determined by the consensus among authors involved in the study of that Ancient Greek School. The argument is advanced that the meaning of the notion is a result of philosophers’ agreement on its denotation. The important procedure of gained results verification is semantic non-contradiction of the notion to principal and fundamental statements within the philosophical system as well as the correlation with the whole system of other notions. Among the foremost challenges aggravating the reconstruction procedure there are the lack of authentic early stoics’ works, transformations of stoic philosophy during many centuries, rethinking of main statements by both followers and antagonists. These factors determined the semantic changes of the notion “lekton”: inner speech, idea, thought, sound. The stoics’ logic advancement as a core of their philosophy urges researchers to find out similarities between the “lekton” notion and contemporary terms in analytical philosophy, logic and philosophy of the language. The use of the antique notion “lekton” by contemporary philosopher can be also explained by their desire to buttress scientific position because procedure and tradition of scientific knowledge legitimize search for the similar notion in order to prove own theoretical view.
Key words lekton, early stoics, semantic reconstruction, meaning, doxographical literature
Article information
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Full articleProblem of Semantic Reconstruction of “Lekton” Category in the Early Stoics’ Philosophy