Humanitarian Vector, Vol 12, №2 2017

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Humanitarian Vector, Vol. 12, No. 2, 2017

Kudryavtseva P. B.
Features of the Rhetorical Text Analysis Using the Keyword Method (the Case of I. S. Turgenev’s Speech at the Unveiling of the Monument to Alexander Pushkin in Moscow, 1880)
Pankratova T. B.
Unknown Works by V. A. Kurochkin
Khazankovich Y. G.
The Literatures of Indigenous Peoples of the North Before and After 1917: Experience of Historical and Critical Reflection
Yudin L. A.
Analysis of the Collection of Graphic Adaptations of Short Stories by Andrei Platonov Flowers on the Ground

Abdyramanova A. S.
On Interrelation of the “Thaw” and “Stagnation” Periods in Kyrgyz Soviet Literature
Kerova L. V.
Hypocoristic Forms of Personal Names in English and German
Tkachenko S. G.
Downtoners in the Definitions of the English Phraseological Units of Gradual Semantics
Chernysheva L. N.
The Influence of the External Factors on the Development of Terminology in Amharic
    Linguistic worldview

Batyushkina M. V.
Тext of Law, its Addresser and Addressee
Vinogradova S. M.
Silin I. S.
The Text as an Expression of the Nature of Scientific Knowledge (the Case of the International Studies)
Kuzina Y. V.
Comparative Research of the Archetypal Concept of The Divine Child in L. F. Baum’s Fairy Story The Wonderful Wizard of Oz and its Russian Analogues
Pimenova M. V.
Kravchenko N. V.
Looking Behind the Veil of Words: What Can the Names of the Days of the Week Tell in the Russian and English Languages?
Skvortsova A. V.
Cognitive Basis of Allocation of the Lexical-Semantic Group “Relational Names”

Grishanina A. N.
The Personality in Social Networking: Constructivism and Destructiveness of Verbal Behavior
Myasnikova M. A.
Eyngorn A. S.
The Role of the News Presenter in the Process of Screen-Clip TV Space Modeling
Oleynikov S. V.
Media Space of Pridniestrovye in the Context of Axiological System of the Modern Personality
Teplyashina A. N.
Linguistic Personality as a Subject of a New Aesthetics of Journalistic Discourse
Tibin’ko N. D.
Representation of Category of Intertextuality in English Political Discourse (the Case of the Mass Media)

Vanchikova T. P.
The Cult of Geser in Mongolian Ritual Texts
Tibin’ko N. D.
Zhamsaranova R. G.
Conceptual Semantics of Onomaconcept Wolf
Sundueva E. V.
Preverbs with Stem Consonant l in Mongolian Languages

Derbisheva Z. K.
Pimenova M. V.
Kul’gil’dinova T. A.
XXIII Winter Scientific School: the 75th Anniversary of Kazakh Ablai Khan University of International Relations and World Languages (Almaty, 19–23 December, 2016)