Humanitarian Vector. Vol. 17, №2 2022


Chetverikova N. A.
Evolutionary Potential of a Human
Misonzhnikov B. Y.
The Value Paradigm of Philosophical Anthropology: Inclusion in a New Context
Petrova E. V.
Homo Informaticus: Biological and Socioanthropotechnical Evolution
Subbotina N. D.
Natural Reasons for Differences in the Character of Man and Woman
Karmadonov O. A.
Pleasures and Hardships in Modern Life: A Subjective Dimension of Social Well-Being
Ardashev R. G.
Irrational Foundations of Suicide
Sedova L. I.
National Identity: Transformation Trends

Gavrilova Y. V.
Mentality in the Context of Interaction Between Social and Virtual Reality
Gomboeva M. I.
Siberian Animal Style as a Conceptual Basis for the Conversion of Traditional Artistic Heritage into Cultural Industries
Markhadaev G. B.
A Modern Buryat Author as a Translator of National Character
Zhukov A. V.
Xu Ying
Factors of Modernization of Higher Education in Chinese Society in the Period Before the Xinhai Revolution
Anan’ina D. A.
Terentyeva A. V.
Jiang Dan
Adaptation of Migrant Children in a Foreign Cultural Environment: Socio-Philosophical Analysis
Dumnova E. M.
Mukha V. N.
Linguocultural Adaptation of Migrants in the Context of Educational Migration to Russia

Niyazgulova A. A.
Melnik G. S.
The Philosophy of Transhumanism in Media Discourse
Kuznetsova E. I.
The Phenomenon of Digital Mediatization: Axiological Aspect of Social Communication
Marinova,;; E. V.
The Opposition “Man – Machine” in the Language Picture of the World of the 21 Century
Sidorov V. A.
Past and Present in the Media Environment: Value Resonance
Reva , ; E. K.
Ethnocultural Themes in the Media: Typological Review
Polyushkevich O. A.
New Identity in Modern Patriotic Cinema

Kolomeytseva E. B.
Essay on Sociocultural Analysis of Cinema: “Assassination Nation” by Sam Levinson
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Humanitarian Vector. Vol. 17, 2022, No. 2